
recent projects

I specialize in crafting state-of-the-art web and mobile applications that deliver exceptional user experiences with optimal performance. My expertise lies in leveraging modern software stacks and frameworks to create responsive and scalable applications. Alongside my personal projects, I have actively contributed to various industry applications. Feel free to explore my work and reach out if you are a business in need of establishing a compelling web presence!

Industry projects

AXA Hong Kong & Macau corporate website

In 2020, the corporate website of AXA Hong Kong & Macau underwent a significant revamp. During my tenure as a consultant at KEYTEO, I had the opportunity to contribute to this project as my initial assignment at AXA. The revamp project involved the implementation of NextJS SSR for the website, while the content was managed through Prismic CMS. Additionally, third-party data analytic libraries were utilized to enhance the website's functionality.

HSBC Overseas Studysurance

The HSBC Overseas Studysurance ecommerce funnel web application was a collaborative endeavor between AXA and HSBC, designed to facilitate the purchase of insurance premiums for students studying abroad. As a consultant at KEYTEO, I was assigned to AXA and took charge of the frontend development for this project. Leveraging internal ReactJS libraries, NextJS SSR, and Prismic CMS, I led the implementation of the frontend components to create a seamless and user-friendly experience for the application.

AXA Cancer Coverage

The AXA Cancer Coverage funnel web application is an ecommerce platform designed specifically for purchasing insurance premiums that offer comprehensive coverage for cancer. Throughout my tenure as a consultant at KEYTEO, I was assigned to AXA and took on the responsibility of leading the frontend development of this project. By leveraging internal ReactJS libraries, NextJS SSR, and Prismic CMS, I oversaw the implementation of the frontend components, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience for the application.

AIA Wellness

AIA Wellness is an in-app browser/WebView application called AIA Connect, serving as an internal employee reward and engagement platform. This application is utilized by corporate companies like IBM, JM, HSBC, and others. During my tenure at App Bar, I assumed the role of leading the frontend development of AIA Wellness. Using TypeScript, ReactJS, and Redux-Saga, I spearheaded the creation of this application. Additionally, I played a significant role in developing a custom Content Management System (CMS) from scratch, where I crafted numerous features and established a dynamic, maintainable, and scalable codebase.


During my tenure at App Bar, I played a key role in the development of AIA ONE, an employee reward and engagement mobile app accessible on iOS and Android platforms. Specifically, I led the development of various features, including engaging mini-games, utilizing ReactJS and React-Native to enhance the in-app experience.

Active Reading

As the responsible developer at Active Reading, an English reading comprehension web application, my primary task involved implementing the user interface using Elm and LESS. Working in close collaboration with the UI/UX designer and product manager, I ensured the seamless integration of user interface styles, effects, and quality control measures, resulting in a flawless user experience.

uHoo Air: Web Dashboard

While working as a frontend developer at uHoo, my primary role involved creating reusable data visualization components for their upcoming web dashboard. Utilizing the MERN stack, I collaborated closely with senior developers and UI/UX designers to design and develop these components. The goal was to present data in an informative and visually appealing manner, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience.

Yorlet Bloc Landing Page

As a freelance developer, I had the opportunity to work with Yorlet as one of my clients. My main task was to create a promotional landing page for their flagship product, aimed at attracting investors during a startup exhibition/event. Collaborating closely with the UI/UX designer, I took on the responsibility of implementing the design using HTML5, SASS, and JavaScript, ensuring a visually appealing and engaging user experience on the landing page.

Study Skills Success

Study Skills Success is an academic web application designed to enhance users' academic study skills. During my involvement in the project, my responsibilities included converting legacy Adobe Flash application exercises into HTML5/CSS format. Additionally, I collaborated closely with the UI designer to develop new learning exercises that align with the application's objectives.

Personal projects

React Face Detection Hook Library

I developed an open-source TypeScript/JavaScript library that offers a custom React hook for real-time face detection and analysis using a web camera or video stream. This library is conveniently accessible as an NPM package and can be effortlessly installed and seamlessly integrated into any React application. Its functionality empowers developers to incorporate face detection capabilities into their projects with ease and efficiency.

Color Memory

I developed a memory game using React, incorporating localStorage to store users' high scores. This project showcases my proficiency in utilizing React hooks and implementing the latest recommended syntax, along with robust game logic. Moreover, the game is also available as a Progressive Web App (PWA), enhancing accessibility and allowing users to enjoy the game seamlessly across various devices.


Welcome to my website, a platform I have created to showcase my industry projects, personal endeavors, visual artwork, and collaborations on social media. It serves as a hub to learn more about my professional journey and explore my creative works. Additionally, if you're interested in discussing potential freelance projects or work opportunities, this platform also provides a convenient way to get in touch with me. Thank you for visiting!